12. IR SUMMIT: On the Road Again
Kepler Cheuvreux
9. Dezember 2021
9. Dezember 2021
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Am 9. Dezember 2021 findet das 12. IR SUMMIT von Kepler Cheuvreux in Zusammenarbeit mit Euronext statt – auch in diesem Jahr als virtuelle Veranstaltung.
- 08:30 CET Introduction by Kepler Cheuvreux & Euronext
- 09:00 CET On the road again: a view from IR, buy-side and sell-side representatives on investor engagement looking forward
- 10:00 CET Sustainable reporting: update on EU proceedings and convergence between European and international standards
- 11:00 CET Equity flows: key trends of 2021, what to expect for 2022?
- 12:00 CET Dealing with the information overload: a view from a Neuropsychology professor
- 13:15 CET Update from the main IR Associations in Europe
- 14:00 CET Economic & strategic update: The great destabilisation
- 15:00 CET Networking by sector and theme
- 16:00 CET Climate action after COP26: what does the Buy-Side expect from corporates?
- 17:00 CET Evolution of the IR role: what’s next for IRs?
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