Influence of the growing ETF industry on active investor relations work 43Fundamentals of investor relations and press releases financial statements financial calendar information of the AGM share informa tion and contact details In addition analyses pre sentations a company profile including a boiler plate and a registration option for an e mail or newsletter distribution list are usually obtainable Gaulke 2004 p 149 Furthermore information on the share price historic data financial informa tion contact details and a list of board members including their CVs should be made available on the website Frankel Lumley and Hennessey 2006 p 121 The development of an equity story and placing it on the capital market is another key task of IR When creating the equity story the strategy and vision as well as the company s philosophy culture and profitability should be communicated clearly and precisely so that the DNA of the company is visible at first glance First step is to transfer the strategy into an equity story A factsheet summarizes the most important infor mation about the company for the financial com munity on one or two pages The content which includes among other topics the boilerplate equity story and company structure is published on the IR website and must be updated regularly Schnorrenberg 2008 p 109 IR press relations are factual and based on economic data Especially the annual press conference at which the man agement board presents the annual results of the company to journalists is of uttermost importance IR newsletter and shareholder letters are another IR instrument to keep shareholders informed about the latest information of the company and its shares Allgäuer and Larisch 2011 pp 253 3 3 2 3 Special situations During special company phases such as IPOs capital increases and decreases takeovers or cri sis the attention and importance of IR is partic ularly high With the latter two the satisfaction of the financial analysts with IR usually decreases Schnorrenberg 2008 pp 53 To prevent this and not lose the trust of the financial community a few principles of crisis communication should be followed Early communication from the begin ning may still save trust as mistrust cannot spread for so long Furthermore by providing background material and information an attempt can be made to prevent negative surprises that can affect the image in the long term A plan should also be drawn up to determine who communicates with the outside world and information should always be provided with the one voice policy This pol icy ensures that only a previously defined group of people takes part in conversations with the public and thus minimizes the risk of misunderstandings and speculation Streuer 2004 p 53 It is import ant to keep the communication as simple as pos sible following the keep it simple guideline In crisis situations partial successes should also be communicated to restore trust Schnorrenberg 2008 pp 72
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