Influence of the growing ETF industry on active investor relations work46 Influence of the ETF industry on IR work Figure 8 Percentage of current working time spent on ETFs Source own survey Percentage of current working time spent on ETFs As an IR officer events on the capital market are naturally followed Therefore it can be assumed that IR departments have been aware of and are following the growing trend of passive investment opportunities such as ETFs for years In order to get an overview of how present this topic currently is in IR departments the proportion which is dealt with ETFs in relation to the total working time is asked at the beginning of the second page of the questionnaire As can be seen in figure 8 the majority of 25 respondents spend around 5 of their current working time on ETFs Figure 7 Sector affiliation Source own survey Sector affiliation 50 30 10 3 40 7 7 10 3 13 10 3 3 Au tom oti ve Re al es tat e Se rvi ce s IT Tra ns po rt Ch em ica l Ind us tri al Pro du cti on Fin an cia l So ftw are Ot he r 40 20 0
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