Influence of the growing ETF industry on active investor relations work50 Influence of the ETF industry on IR work An even stronger majority of 90 18 out of 20 participants can imagine analyzing in the future which inclusion criteria are required for certain indices Only for one in ten such an analysis is not conceivable as can be seen in figure 16 Due to the growth in ETFs a further increase in the share held by ETF providers in the company can be assumed Half 10 out of 20 of the respondents say they know what percentage of shares are held by passive investors The other 50 deny this as can be seen in figure 17 Figure 18 Proportion of shares held by passive investors Source own survey Estimated proportion of shares held in the company by passive investors Figure 17 Knowledge of shares held by passive investors Source own survey Knowledge of the proportion of shares held by passive investors yes no Figure 16 Likelihood to analyze required criteria for indices Source own survey Likelihood to analyze in the future which inclusion criteria are required for certain indices yes no 50 50 10 90 25 30 15 5 20 10 0
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