Influence of the growing ETF industry on active investor relations work 51Influence of the ETF industry on IR work The estimated percentage of the company held by passive investors varies from 0 to up to 30 as the graph in figure 18 shows The majority 24 of 17 respondents indicate a share of 10 One person estimates the value to be 0 which means that all shares of the company are held by active investors 18 estimate the value of passive investors at 5 Almost half 48 of the respon dents give a range of over 5 to 10 The remain ing 28 indicate a percentage of above 10 Contact to existing and potential investors is one of the main tasks of IR Nevertheless only one in ten of the IR respondents is in regular contact with ETF providers or with the sub section of asset man agers responsible for ETF products 90 18 out of 20 respondents therefore currently have no direct contact see figure 19 Regarding the future situation half of the respon dents 10 out of 20 assume that such direct con tact with ETF providers will become more import ant the other 50 do not expect this to happen as can be seen in figure 20 Looking at the future forecasts for classic investor targeting the majority of IR experts 17 out of 20 85 do not expect a decline in relevance Only 15 are of the opinion that classic investor target ing such as contact with active portfolio manag ers will take less time in the future because it will become less important see figure 21 Figure 20 Forecast for contact with ETF providers Source own survey Will contact with ETF providers become more important in the future yes no Figure 19 Proportion of IR professionals in regular contact with ETF providers Source own survey Proportion of IR professionals who are in regular contact with ETF providers and asset managers responsible for ETF products contact no contact 50 50 10 90
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